

Estimated reading: 1 minute 433 views

Where can I find estimates?

On the left menu you have Finance. Click on finance and you can find Estimates category on Finance menu.

How can I add new estimate?

To add estimates go to estimates page and click + button you see on the page.

How can edit an estimate?

  1. Find the estimate you want to edit and click on it.

  2. Make the changes you want and click save.(You can also add more products or services)

  3. Here you can also change the status such as : Approved, Sent.

  4. You can add unlimited products or services. All you need to do is click on ADD NEW ROW.

  5. After you make the changes click save.

How can I find an estimate?

Click the search icon from the dashboard. You can search estimates by name, number, date or status.

How can I delete an estimate?

Go to estimates page and find the estimate you want to delete. Select the estimate you want to delete and click the recycle bin icon. Click yes on the confirmation page.

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