Step 1
When you are on the dashboard you can create e new reservation from the + plus button in the quick actions block or from the top navigation “New Reservation”.
- Select the reservation dates
Click search and you will see all the rooms that are available for that date range
- Check the desired room. You can check more than one room and select different rates if available
- After that click Next
Step 2
Select an existing client from the dropdown or add the details for a new guest.
After adding all guests you can click next for the next step.
Step 3
This is the last step before confirming the reservation. Here you can add a discount to the reservation based on a fixed amount or percentage(%).
Add extra services if requested by the guests.
Add billing details. You can select one of the guests for billing or add a new one.
After adding all the details you want to put for this client click Complete Reservation.